Explanations : Doctor POIGNONEC plastic surgeon in Paris Excess fat and unsightly fat bulges liposuction liposuction.Liposuction : 3D animation with narration for information purposes

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Is liposuction only for women?

Liposuction is intended for men and women who wish to improve their silhouette and regain the well-being and dynamism they have lost because of their overly generous shapes. It is preferable that the skin of the patient is still well toned. However, liposuction is not recommended for women who have a maternity project: they will therefore have to wait until they have given birth before considering this operation. This one is also contraindicated for the big obese who will be able, however, to have recourse to it after a thinning which will rid them of the recalcitrant localized overloads. For a liposuction, it is better to have a stable weight with fat clusters well located. For people who are overweight, it is preferable not to diet before but rather after the operation indeed, it is preferable to arrive fit. In all cases, liposuction acts as a slimming booster.

Caution : liposuction does not remove cellulite and does not improve the appearance of the skin! But it can get rid of a large number of fat cells.

Why this technique?

Liposuction lightens the body by removing the double chin, unsightly bulges, especially on the hips, stomach, but also the saddlebags, knees, ankles, etc..

How to prepare myself before liposuction

A blood test will be required, as well as a consultation with the anaesthetist and, if you have had problems with deep phlebitis, an ultrasound Doppler !

  • Arnica (anti-bleus) is generally prescribed in oral homeopathic treatment, and a cream containing vitamin K is to be applied for the prevention of postoperative bruising.
  • No medication containing aspirin should be taken in the 10 days prior to the procedure.
  • Tobacco is not recommended because of its impact on wound healing. The vaporization is to avoid if the liquids of your electronic cigarette contain nicotine which is vasoconstrictor even if there is no tar.

Book your consultation at the doctor’s office online before liposuction in a clinic in Paris”]Make an appointment by Phone. : +33 (0)1 45 63 13 20 Monday to Friday 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM and Saturday morning

After liposuction, the postoperative after-effects

The time required to recover from this procedure is proportional to the amount of fat removed. Bruising and swelling appear at the treated areas. They disappear about 10 to 20 days after the operation. Pain is variable and some fatigue may be felt.

  • Wearing a compression garment is recommended for 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Sometimes, iron supplementation is given for a period of 1 month, which results in a fairly dark stool colour (not severe).
  • It is best not to expose yourself to sunlight or UV rays. at least 3 months after the operation (a high sun protection cream will be applied at each outing, even in winter), but a sporting activity is possible from 3 weeks.
  • It is necessary to wait between 1 month and 1 month and a half before being able to judge the result. It is necessary to wait 6 months to assess it definitively.
  • The skin will take 3 to 6 months to fully retract and readapt to the new silhouette.
  • It is often advisable to follow a fat-free diet for 3 months after the operation to prevent the remaining fat cells from becoming enlarged.
  • Thus, liposuction acts as a weight loss stimulator. By reducing fat cells and the hormonal factors they contain, this contributes to long-term weight loss.
  • One year after the operation, we often notice that the silhouette has changed.

Allow for a short week’s rest. A normal activity can be resumed 3 to 6 days after the operation – this time is, of course, given as an indication and varies according to the importance of liposuction and your professional activity… Depending on the type of anaesthesia performed, it is also possible that you may be asked to not eat or drink anything within 6 hours before the operation.

During liposuction :

The operation is done in Paris, the doctor uses a cannula connected to a suction system. The incisions are short (3 or 4 millimetres) and discreet (they are often hidden in a natural fold). The length of the procedure varies depending on the amount of fat to be removed and the number of areas to be treated – count on average one to two hours. At the end of the operation, a modelling dressing will be applied and covered with an elastic compression garment (sheath, panty, etc.).

Weight loss can be significant but is not directly related to the amount of fat sucked in. In fact, no more than 5 litres of pure fat are ever sucked in, even in obese patients, because of the surgical risks involved and the fatigue that this would cause in the patient. Nevertheless, however satisfactory the results may be, liposuction does not achieve perfection. The result can only be appreciated after several months. Massages are often indicated to refine the result. However, imperfections can be noticed : insufficient correction, residual asymmetry or surface irregularities. Small touch-ups can be performed under local anaesthesia from the 12th month following the operation.

Liposuction source : Best extract from the book « La chirurgie esthĂ©tique, les solutions et les conseils de mon chirurgien » © Ambre Editions | The author : Dr. Sylvie POIGNONEC – Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon, located in the heart of Paris, specialized in plastic, aesthetic & reconstructive surgery

What are the possible complications of liposuction?

The real complications are exceptional after a quality liposuction : a great rigour in the indication and the surgical realization must ensure in practice an effective and real prevention. Liposuction, although performed for essentially aesthetic reasons, is nonetheless a real surgical procedure, which implies the risks associated with any medical procedure, however minimal it may be.

To be complete, however, we must mention, despite their usual rarity :

  • Thromboembolic accidents (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism) which are the most serious complication. Their risk of occurrence is increased if such an accident appears in the patient’s history. The use of antithrombosis stockings, early emergence and possible anticoagulant treatment help to reduce this risk.
  • Bleeding is rarely serious, except for associated bleeding disorders.
  • Hematoma and lymphatic effusion occur exceptionally during a liposuction correctly performed.
  • Similarly, localized skin necrosis, which lengthens the healing time and can leave scars, should no longer be observed.
  • Infection can be prevented by prescribing antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • Finally metabolic disturbances have been observed in the course of quantitatively excessive liposuction.

The use of a qualified plastic surgeon assures you that he has the necessary training and competence to know how to avoid these complications, or treat them effectively if necessary.

Concerning the surgical procedure: By choosing a qualified and competent plastic surgeon, trained for this type of operation, you limit these risks as much as possible, without however completely eliminating them. If you notice one or more complications, contact the plastic and aesthetic surgeon immediately.

What are the possible complications of a body lift?

Fortunately, real complications are rare following a body lift performed according to the rules. In practice, the vast majority of procedures go smoothly and patients are fully satisfied with the outcome. However, and despite their rarity, you must be informed of possible complications :

  • Thromboembolic accidents (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism), although rather rare overall after this type of operation, are among the most formidable. Strict preventive measures must minimize their incidence: wearing anti-thrombosis stockings, early lifting, anticoagulant treatment.
  • Bleeding : possible in the first few hours but usually very moderate. When they are too large, it can justify a resumption in the operating room.
  • Hematomas : may require evacuation if large or too painful.
  • Abdominal or lateral serolymphatic effusion: It may appear a few days after the procedure and may be punctured. It then dries out without any particular sequelae
  • Infection : despite the natural presence of microbes towards the anal region, it is very rare. If necessary, it quickly justifies appropriate treatment.
  • Skin necrosis : although rare, they are always possible, often on the navel or buttocks. Simple erosions due to bandages heal spontaneously without leaving traces, unlike skin necrosis, fortunately the exception.

Overall, thanks to the technical improvements, the body lift has become a much more reliable operation, i.e. more effective, while reducing the risk of complicated post operations. We should not overestimate the risks, but simply be aware that a surgical operation always involves a small proportion of risks. Distinguish complications related to anesthesia from those related to surgery.

Source : French Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery S.o.F.C.P.R.E

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