Eye lift, drooping eyelids : causes, solutions and prevention
Doctor POIGNONEC aesthetic surgeon at the medical aesthetic practice in Paris 16e.

Eye lifts, or how eye surgery can erase the years and restore your self-confidence !
Drooping eyelids, also known as ptosis or dermatochalasis, can affect not only aesthetic appearance but also visual function. This condition can affect one or both eyelids, and its degree of severity can vary from a slight droop to complete obstruction of vision. In this article, I explain the causes, treatments and prescription.
Eye lifting helps to correct this negative image perceived in the eyes of others and turn it into a positive image. Above all, an eye lift helps to restore self-esteem and self-confidence, which droopy eyes, droopy eyelids and droopy eyebrows gradually devalue and destroy.
We’re in great shape, we’re happy, but our eyes show the opposite. Because, undeniably, if our eyes are the mirror of our soul, they are also the reflection of time. And the way we look is a key factor in other people’s perception of our age and health.
Disobliging remarks such as « You look tired », « You look like a beaten dog », « You look sad » are all hurtful remarks, negative judgements that hurt us and which, most of the time, are not always welcome.
An eye lift can act on 3 areas :
- The upper eyelids
- Lower eyelids
- Eyebrows and outer eye area
Solutions for drooping eyelids
Blepharoplasty surgery
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure commonly used to correct drooping eyelids. The procedure involves removing excess skin and sometimes repositioning the levator muscle to restore a normal appearance to the eyelids.
Patients often opt for this solution in severe cases where vision is compromised. Here are some of the benefits of blepharoplasty :
- Improved vision when the eyelid partially blocks the eye.
Improved aesthetic appearance and rejuvenation of the whole face. - Increased self-confidence through improved appearance.
Eye lift reimbursement and cover
If you have congenital or acquired ptosis of the upper eyelids, you may be eligible for social security cover. This is a problem with the levator muscle of your eyelid, not excess skin.
Your eyelid descends abnormally, often to halfway down the pupil. The main surgical procedures involve shortening the eyelid lift muscle or suspending the upper eyelid from the forehead muscle, with or without a graft. This is not at all the case with cosmetic procedures, which remove unsightly excess skin and are therefore not covered by Social Security.
Droopy eyes : causes and cure
Causes of drooping eyelids
Natural ageing :
At birth, eye colour is indeterminate. It evolves and stabilises over a few months, and then we keep the same colour, in principle, for the rest of our lives. On the other hand, everything that surrounds the eye – the eyelids, eyebrows and skin – is unfortunately subject to the ravages of time, be it the environment or the passing years. The sun, tobacco, pollution, stress and a poor diet are all factors that damage the skin and add to the inevitable ageing of the cells. Hereditary physical factors, particularly in our skeleton and the proportion of orbital openings, for example, help to slow down or accelerate the slackening of the surrounding tissues.
Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, which can lead to drooping eyelids as a result of skin slackening and distension. Ageing is therefore one of the main causes of this condition. With age, the eyelid lift muscle can relax and become less effective, causing a progressive drooping of the upper eyelids.
Genetic factors :
Drooping eyelids can run in families. If your parents or grandparents have had this condition, there is a good chance that you may inherit it too. Genetics play a crucial role in how the skin and muscles develop and age.
Medical conditions :
Medical conditions are also associated with drooping eyelids. Conditions such as diabetes, neurological diseases such as myasthenia gravis, or episodes of facial paralysis can weaken the muscles surrounding the eyes, leading to ptosis. Tumours and infections can also damage these muscles and nerves.
Hormonal factors also play a harmful role, as oestrogen no longer maintains the skin’s elasticity. As a result, the skin loses its tone. The dermis and fatty and muscular tissues become thinner, and the skin slackens, pulling down the eyelids, the corners of the eyes and the eyebrows. The result is droopy eyes!

Technical details :
Under local anaesthetic, or local anaesthetic with a little sedation, a small incision is made in the crease of the eye. The excess skin is then removed. Precise measurements are taken with special tweezers before the operation, in a seated position and with the eyes closed, so that only excess skin is removed. The scars are hidden in the natural folds.
In many cases, there is also a small swelling in the inner corner of the eye. This is a small pocket of fat that is removed during the operation. The look is not changed, but immediately rejuvenated, the effect being spectacular. It is rare for a new operation to be considered before the age of about twelve.
- Pockets of fat, colloquially known as ‘suitcases’. In some cases, these pockets of fat appear in young subjects, in which case they are congenital.
- Sagging skin, with skin folds.
- Dark circles with a bluish tinge.
Technical :
When the sagging skin is significant, it is possible to resect a few millimetres of skin in order to tighten it by means of a subciliary incision, i.e. passing under the eyelashes and extending slightly beyond the outer corner of the eye. During this lower eyelid lift, the surgeon will of course take every precaution not to remove too much skin and to avoid obtaining the ‘round eye’ that some patients complain of.
This subciliary incision can also be used to remove excessively large pockets of fat that give a tired appearance. If there are only pockets of fat without excess skin, they can be removed conjunctivally, i.e. through the inside of the eye. This technique allows small fatty hernias to be removed without scarring. The result is spectacular, and the tired look of the eyes disappears immediately. The result is virtually permanent.
In the case of a hollow eye, with dark circles, the look can be softened by injecting microparticles of fat. This is called eyelid lipofilling. The fat is usually taken from the thigh or the inside of the knee. It is processed, washed and in some cases centrifuged. It is then reinjected into the area around the eye. If it is injected in excess, it will have to be removed.
This is a much sought-after procedure, as dark circles often deepen with age, giving a tired appearance. The result of lipofilling is prolonged and provides nutritive factors to the skin, which increases its radiance. Fat melting is variable, ranging from a few months to a few years. A touch-up is then necessary.
Surgery and post-operative care
This eyelid surgery, or eye lift, is performed on an outpatient basis after seeing an ophthalmologist or an anaesthetist, depending on the type of anaesthetic required.
The patient is discharged from the clinic the same day after a few hours of monitoring. You may feel some tension in your eyelids and a slight irritation of the eyes, but the eye drops you have been prescribed will quickly compensate for this discomfort.
Bruising and swelling will remain visible for between 5 and 10 days, and scars will be slightly pinkish for the first month, but make-up is permitted from the 7th day. Wearing sunglasses is recommended.
Eyebrow lift
Eyebrows that droop and the outer part of the eye :
The outer part of the eyebrow that droops and the small wrinkles that appear at the corner of the eyes are often associated. There are three techniques for lifting the eyebrows and the periorbital area.
Eyebrow lift by fat injection or lipofilling
As with dark circles, the technique involves injecting our own fat into the outer part of the eyebrow and the outer region of the eye (outer canthus). The result is a beautiful lift and opening of the eyes and a discreet smoothing of the wrinkles in the outer part of the eye. The post-operative period is marked by swelling and sometimes bruising. It takes between 8 and 15 days for the swelling to subside. The result is prolonged but not definitive. Finally, the temporal scar is sometimes made flush with the hair and may be slightly visible for a few months.
Eyebrow lift using botulinum toxin injections
Botulinum toxin injections
Eyebrow lift and reduction of crow’s-feet wrinkles using botulinum toxin injections: Injected at specific points, botulinum toxin has a paralysing effect on certain muscles, making it possible both to raise sagging eyebrows and, if desired, to make crow’s-feet wrinkles disappear.
For patients looking for a non-invasive alternative, botulinum toxin injections can offer a temporary solution. By selectively relaxing the muscles responsible for lowering the eyelid, these injections raise the eyelid slightly and reduce sagging.
Results generally last from three to six months, requiring regular treatments to maintain the effects.
Use of creams and serums
Topical products such as creams and serums containing active ingredients such as retinol or hyaluronic acid can improve skin elasticity. Although these solutions are not as effective as medical interventions, they can offer a complementary option for delaying the signs of ageing around the eyes. The creams are used around the eyelids and can sometimes be allergenic.
Eyebrow lift with mini temporal lift
Eyebrow lift and lifting of the entire area around the eye using a mini temporal lift: this is a surgical procedure that can be performed under assisted local anaesthetic on an outpatient basis. An incision is made in the scalp, in the temporal area, and the skin is pulled back slightly to raise the eyebrow. When the hair is implanted backwards, the scar is sometimes flush with the hair and may be visible for a few weeks.
Results and post-operative follow-up :
The post-operative period is very short, 2 or 3 days, and the result is immediately visible. This is a mini facelift or a partial facelift, called a temporal facelift, which is an excellent indication and gives a natural result. Like all facelifts, the results can last for at least 10 years.
In just a few hours, an eye lift can produce spectacular results, restoring a youthful appearance. In just a few days, when you look in the mirror again, your eyes will be open, lively, sparkling and fit, no longer reflecting fatigue, sadness or the weight of years.
Preventing droopy eyelids
Balanced diet :
A diet rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and omega-3 can help maintain healthy skin and muscles. Incorporating green vegetables, red fruit, oily fish and nuts into your diet can make a big difference in the long term.
Adapted morning routine :
Adopting a morning routine that includes gentle massages around the eyes can stimulate blood circulation and tone muscles. Using specific creams and applying cold compresses can also reduce morning swelling and speed up cell regeneration.
Sun protection:
Prolonged exposure to the sun can accelerate the skin’s ageing process. Regular use of sun cream around the eyes, as well as wearing protective sunglasses, can prevent damage caused by UV rays.
Adequate hydration :
Keeping the skin well hydrated is essential for preserving its elasticity and firmness. Drinking enough water and using humidifiers during the dry months can go a long way to preventing skin dehydration.