MĂ©mento :
Jawline injection for the oval of the face, redesign, reshape, firm or tighten the lower face
Doctor POIGNONEC plastic surgeon at the Centre Esthétique Paris - Eiffel
Hyaluronic acid : reshaping and remodelling the oval of the face
Tissue inducers (« Radiesse® » (hydroxyapatite), « Sculptra® » (polylactic acid) or « Elancé » (polycaprolactone) : reshaping the oval of the face
Fractional radiofrequency : firming and tightening the oval of the face
Mini face lift : tightening the oval of the face
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What to do when you have a sagging facial oval ?
According to numerous scientific studies, the process of skin ageing begins at the age of 25, particularly with the wrinkles on the forehead and crow’s feet.
From the age of 30 onwards, some dermatologists recommend facial gymnastics to prevent a softening of the tissues.
Indeed, it is from the age of about 40 onwards that the oval of the face tends to « fall away ». The contours are less clear, and the lower cheeks appear, separated from the chin by a depression.
Many women are therefore looking for a solution to redesign, reshape, firm up or tighten their sagging oval.
Depending on their age and stage of skin laxity, I offer different treatments, which give excellent results : Three treatments to reshape and reshape the oval of the face without surgery and a light and natural surgical treatment to tighten the sagging oval of the face.
Reshaping the oval of the face with hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that exists naturally in our body to maintain the hydration of the skin because it has the property to retain large amounts of water. Unfortunately, it decreases with age and this is why the skin becomes slack and hollows and wrinkles appear.
I have a wide range of high quality hyaluronic acids at my practice, and I will choose the one that best suits your oval shape, i.e. a hyaluronic acid that is more or less dense depending on the volume I wish to obtain. This is called the « cross-linking » criteria.
The injections are almost painless, but you can benefit from a local anaesthetic, depending on your sensitivity, either with an anaesthetic ointment applied to the skin, or with an injection of an anaesthetic product, as at the dentist. You can also breathe in a gas through a mask, which acts by reducing your sensitivity to pain and allows you to be more relaxed. This gas has no anaesthetic effect and is used regularly in adults and children over 1 month old. You can go home after the session without any problems.
Then, depending on the density of the product and the desired effect, I will use either needles of different diameters or cannulas with rounded tips. The product will be distributed in order to reshape and remodel your oval. The result will be immediate and will improve over the following days thanks to the hydrophilic nature of hyaluronic acid (which retains water).
Your oval will thus be redesigned and remodelled and the effect, depending on the product chosen, will last from 12 to 18 months.
Rare bruises may appear, which disappear quickly. An Arnica-based ointment can be applied in this case.
Marketed under the names « Radiesse® », « Sculptra® » or « Elancé » among others, tissue inducers are injectable implants, totally biodegradable, composed of a tissue inducer and an excipient gel.
Very frequently used in plastic surgery, they are used to reshape the contours of the face. Once injected, they can be modelled to recreate volumes, harmonise curves and remodel the oval of your face.
Their aim is to firstly fill in the skin with an immediate effect thanks to the gel, and then to have a tissue induction reaction by stimulating the fibroblasts which will produce collagen. There is therefore a real increase in the soft tissues of the deep and sub-dermal dermis of the oval region of the face, and a real restoration of the lower part of your face. The oval is also firmed up.
The injection conditions are the same as for hyaluronic acid. A local anaesthetic can also be used.
The areas are injected with a fine needle or a foam cannula and the product is then immediately massaged, moulded on your face, in order to put it in place. The result is immediate but will be optimal if the injections are repeated every month for 3 months until the desired result is achieved. The effect can last in most patients for up to 2 years.
Fractional radiofrequency : firming and tightening the oval of the face
When the sagging of the skin is a bit more important, it is interesting to use either alone or in addition to the injectable products, the radio frequency.
This is a device that is applied to the surface of your skin and delivers radio waves.
The oval of your face is immediately tightened and then slightly tightened.
This treatment can be performed under local anaesthesia like all other procedures.
The « shots » cause a sensation of heat. Small red squares appear on the surface of the skin, followed by microdroplets for a period of 1 to 4 days. A sunscreen is mandatory and make-up is allowed from the next day.
The aim is a thermal effect on the dermis respecting the epidermis:
- It allows a re-tensioning of the collagen with an immediately visible but not very long-lasting tensor effect.
- The creation of dermal micro-scars leading to collagen stimulation with a more lasting effect for a few months.
Oval of the face : reimbursement and coverage
All these procedures to correct the sagging oval of the face are aesthetic treatments that are not covered by Social Security. They are therefore not eligible for reimbursement by Social Security.
Injections of hyaluronic acid, hydroxyapatite and radiofrequency give good results but have their limits when the skin is too loose. Too many injections can result in an inexpressive and slightly enlarged face. From the age of about fifty onwards, it is sometimes necessary to combine a tightening procedure to maintain the fineness of the lower face and its slightly triangular appearance. This procedure will then allow to correct in one go what is bothering you : it is the mini face lift or mini lower face lift.
The procedure is performed in a clinic, under local anaesthesia associated with a light sedation and on an outpatient basis.
Through a perfectly concealed incision around the ear, the skin is removed over a few centimetres. The muscles and skin are tightened and sutured. The excess skin is then removed which gives an immediate result : the oval of your face is tightened, the mandibular angle is well defined.
When a slight fatty impasto weighs down the contours, a small lipo-aspiration under the chin or along the mandible can complete this treatment. A simple liposuction can then be performed, i.e. the fat is sucked up using micro-cannulas, i.e. a laser cannula is passed before the suction cannulas, which induces heat under the dermis causing a skin retraction.
The post-operative period is marked by a slight oedema and bruising which disappear between 3 and 15 days depending on the patient’s health, age, smoking, sun, etc…
The result is immediate since the skin and muscles are surgically tightened, and lasts between 5 and 10 years.
It is a non-invasive and risk-free method.
Depending on your sagging skin, 1 to 5 sessions spaced 3 weeks apart are necessary to tighten your oval. Afterwards, the result can be maintained with 1 or 2 sessions per year. The result depends on the skin and its ability to retract, which varies from person to person (skin laxity, smokers, thick skin).
Whether you are 30 or 70 years old, current scientific methods allow us to correct the ravages of time in complete safety and with great effectiveness.
But it is only after a consultation at my office and a thorough examination of your face that we can choose together the treatment that will give the best result.
I will also make an accurate assessment of your health, as some procedures may have contraindications. A thorough interview and information will allow me to choose the most suitable product for you.